

Start a business in Taiwan, 24 years of experience as an immigrant Entrepreneur Taiwan.

09.27 14:30 ~ 16:30
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Elias_創業台灣分享沙龍講者照 (1)

Why should you absolutely not miss this event?

Exclusive Expert Insights

Elias Ek, with 24 years of entrepreneurial experience in Taiwan, will share invaluable tips and professional insights to help you succeed faster and more efficiently.

Comprehensive Topics

We'll cover everything you need to know about starting a business in Taiwan, including company setup, visas, hiring, networking, fundraising, and banking.

Inspiring Success Stories

Hear about successful immigrant entrepreneurs and learn from their journeys to find your own path to success.

Plus, it's a fantastic networking opportunity! Connect with other aspiring entrepreneurs, share experiences, and expand your professional network.Bring your questions and enthusiasm; this event could be a game-changer for your entrepreneurial journey in Taiwan!

Event Details

Date: September 27, 2024 (Friday)

Time: 14:30 - 16:30 (Doors open at 14:00)

Venue: Le Jian Li No. 8 Reading Room (Warehouse No. 8, Hua Warehouse Group)

Map: Click here!

Contact: Jenny Li (jenny.lee_temp@bnext.com.tw)

This salon will be conducted entirely in English.

*The organizers reserve the right to change the event details.


#獨家專家分享 #全面主題探討 #實例啟發 #全英語分享

Elias Ek 擁有在台灣 24 年的創業經驗,能提供寶貴的實戰經驗和專業見解,讓你少走彎路,事半功倍。活動涵蓋創業的各個關鍵環節,包括公司設立、簽證、招聘、社交網絡、募資和銀行信用等,全面解答你在台灣創業可能遇到的所有問題。透過介紹成功移民企業家的案例,讓你看到具體可行的成功道路,從中獲得實際啟發和動力。這是一個絕佳的交流機會,讓你有機會與其他有志創業的人士互相切磋、分享經驗、拓展人脈。


2024 Meet Pacific 國際徵展企劃 嘉瑾(jenny.lee_temp@bnext.com).tw