

I love plants and hope to nurture the gentleness of nature. I want to spread this kindness everywhere. The soil in Hualien might be a bit sticky, maybe even a little muddy, but that's okay. I'd like to 'take you' along with me and let us experience beauty daily.

Product Name/Introduction

Preserved flowers, dried flowers, real flower accessories, handmade paper.

Turning nature into accessories, carrying beauty with you, making this kind of romance a part of everyday life. Have you ever wondered if the tiny flowers hanging by your ears whisper secrets to you?

Using UV resin to preserve the beauty of nature, crafting earrings, rings, necklaces, and more. Because of my love for flowers and plants, I hope everyone can integrate the beauty of nature into their lives. While buying flowers from a florist is wonderful, they often end up as home decorations. Although beautiful, they can't truly become part of our daily lives. So, I transform them into accessories. By wearing the accessories I create, you can carry real flowers with you and turn beauty into a daily occurrence.

I also hope everyone can hang the beautiful language of flowers by their ears, constantly reminding themselves that all things beautiful are happening.