
Opening Ceremony

09.27 13:00 ~ 14:00
Location|Pacific Stage
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The Hualien-based modern dance group "Posuo Dance Space" develops its unique style by drawing inspiration from natural imagery. The beauty of nature and culture serves as the creative nourishment for the troupe, with artistic director Chen Shu-Ching's rich and diverse creativity adding a fresh perspective to Hualien's majestic mountains and seas.

Since its founding in 2001, the troupe has experimented with performing in various spaces across Hualien, including parks, cafés, theaters, and formal performance venues. We strive to blend dance with different environments, allowing the public to experience the diverse expressions of modern dance in various settings.

The name "Posuo Dance Space" is inspired by Hualien, a beautiful city by the sea where dancing is always possible, and everyone can be a dancer. Although each creation by the troupe varies in content, the source of inspiration always comes from nature. The movement of the wind, the waves of the sea, the swaying of the trees—all these natural elements are internalized and then expressed through the body in our dance performances.
